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Dear My Lovely Man

For a man, Whose gaze is shaded like a willow tree Whose love is as wide as the ocean and his touch is as soft as silk. Darling, God brought us together when my world was falling apart. I carry many burdens alone. And many stories that finally I buried alone. Until then you came like a prince who took me from darkness to the light. Darling, Thank you for grabbing my fingers for you to hold when other hands offer you a hug, Thank you for accepting me and making me feel so loved, Thank you for making me believe that true love exists. Darling, I'm sorry if I've always been annoying. I apologize for my imperfections. Please let me know if I do anything you don't like. Darling, If one day you can no longer hold my hand, don't be sad. I can still see you from up there. You are my true love.
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  "Don't you live your life because you were already born in this world" Sometimes life can be so rough on you, it hit you many times. It makes u get up and knock you down, get you up and knock you down again.


Don't stay awake for too long Don't go to bed I'll make a cup of coffee for your head I'll get you up and going out of bed I don't wanna fall asleep I don't wanna pass away I been thinking of our future    I don't know why this has happened But I probably deserve it I tried to do my best But you know that I'm not perfect   I been praying for forgiveness You've been praying for my health When I leave this earth Hoping you'll find someone else 'Cause, we still young there's so much we haven't done Getting married, start a family   I wish it could be me But I won't make it off this bed I hope I go to heaven So I see you once again My life was kinda short But I got so many blessings Happy you were mine It sucks that it's all ending ^_^

Letter to my baby bear

Hi sweety, I love you soo much, i know i'm not a good aunt for you, i can not be your role model. But the way you look at me, when you call my name, you smile at me and hugs me, those things that make me survive from this shit. Yes, i'm sick, i'm a broken person, sometimes i also can be a toxic person. That's why i think i don't deserve to be loved. Sweety, when you grow up, i think i need to push you to stay away from me. Not because i hate you, but because i don't want to hurt you, i don't want to be a toxic for you. Sweety, be a gentleman, the world is cruel and that's ok, u have to face it  and if you are tired of it, u can take a rest, but don't give up.


Mum, thank you for giving birth to me, I am a person who's still walking alone responding to a form of happiness.  Mum, now I tried to comfort myself with the destiny. And I know if  I'm not the perfect daughter that you wanted me to be, but I promise, I will do my best and try harder. Mum, I love you so much...

To You Who Made Sparkles In His Eyes

Hi, introduce myself, I am a person who in the last few months has filled a blank space in (maybe) his heart since you left a year ago. A few times, he told me about you. While drinking a glass of wine, I saw his eyes sparkle. Yes, when talking about you. Once, I saw his eyes glazed up, as if his head was turned back in the 'film' when you were beside him, again I saw the sparkle in his eyes. A few times, I found his hands trembling softly;  I see from the surface of wine that sways a nd you know, at that time, he was talking about you. I ventured to look into his eyes, a clear and soft layer covering his eyes sparkling. Do you know what paradox is happening? I hate seeing the sparkle of his eyes, the sparkle of his happiness. Because the source of it all remains you.  Although after that he hugged me tightly, and I saw the sparkle disappear slowly, as the story was finished about you. For you, who made sparkle in his eyes... I knelt down, that person was not me


Maybe what i need right now is "Goodbye". I love you, but I loved you too much. I did not make any room for myself. I realized if I hold you too tightly. And the longer I hold you, the more you hurt me. Because holding you is the same as holding a rock covered with fake diamonds. The more I hold on tight the more it pierces and makes the wound in my hand. Now I release the stone. Indeed there is an empty space in my hands. But at least it makes me feel light and it doesn't hurt me anymore.